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RSF 2024 Donations

In the Rosebud Indian Reservation in central South Dakota, education is needed more than ever. Out of the approximately 3,000 counties in the United States, this reservation (which is also known as Todd County) consistently ranks in the bottom 5 poorest. But the people are resilient and fiercely maintain their historically oppressed culture. Education is needed so that doctors can properly heal, architects can design infrastructure, lawyers can interpret the law, and economists can find a way to dig their people out of severe poverty. Education is currently an unmet need, as Native Americans have the lowest educational attainment rates of all ethnic and racial groups in the United States; only 14% have earned degrees. This percentage must increase if we are to see valuable cultures preserved and extreme poverty conditions improved. Only 1 in 5 Native Americans in South Dakota that begin college will actually finish with a degree, primarily due to a lack of financial resources. In addition, the Rosebud Indian Reservation suffers from 85% unemployment, so educated Sicangu Lakota citizens of all professions are needed to construct a thriving, sovereign economy.

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